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858 items matching your criteria.

- esc 2004 to 2008 [1%] by htrueckl, 2010-09-22 11:54
- The ESC - the European Society of Cardiology - detected in 2004 the potential of the "fragileart"-hearts concerning the theme of Cardiology. Since then I have ...
- btm [1%] by htrueckl, 2010-09-22 11:47
- The Upper-Austrian company "BTM warming cabins" organised in autumn 20098 an artistifc competition. My contribution was the "hot dog" - an optical attractive ...
- [1%] by htrueckl, 2010-09-22 11:47
- [1%] by htrueckl, 2010-09-22 11:40
- kitz-art [1%] by htrueckl, 2010-09-22 11:37
- In january 2005 the Tyrolian Gallery "Kitz Art" invited me for an exhibition. This was the third time and the last part of my artistic cycle "paletti". Besides ...
- [1%] by htrueckl, 2010-09-22 11:26
- gallery zwach [1%] by htrueckl, 2010-09-22 11:24
- In december 2007 a combi-exhibition with the artist Hannes Rohringer took place in the famous "Gallery Zwach" in Schörfling. See some impressions of the ...
- tramp-lamp 3 [1%] by htrueckl, 2010-09-22 11:11
- Aluminium Laserschnitt, handverarbeitet, Höhe zwischen 60 cm und 2,5 m. Größe, Fertigung und Preis auf Anfrage.
- tramp-lamp 2 [1%] by htrueckl, 2010-09-22 11:11
- Aluminium Laserschnitt, handverarbeitet, Höhe zwischen 60 cm und 2,5 m. Größe, Fertigung und Preis auf Anfrage.
- tramp-lamp 1 [1%] by htrueckl, 2010-09-22 11:10
- Aluminium Laserschnitt, handverarbeitet, Höhe zwischen 60 cm und 2,5 m. Größe, Fertigung und Preis auf Anfrage.
- ladder of love [1%] by htrueckl, 2010-09-22 11:10
- dosh [1%] by htrueckl, 2010-09-22 11:09
- Kohle, blattvergoldet
- red cross [1%] by htrueckl, 2010-09-22 11:08
- 180 cm x 180 cm, verwobene Pflaster, Pigmentfarbe mit Epoxy überzogen
- tealight [1%] by htrueckl, 2010-09-22 11:08
- wing chair [1%] by htrueckl, 2010-09-22 11:03
- Flügel handgeschnitzt, blattvergoldet, Edelstahl
- wing chair [1%] by htrueckl, 2010-09-22 11:03
- Flügel handgeschnitzt, blattvergoldet, Edelstahl
- dud [1%] by htrueckl, 2010-09-22 11:02
- Geweih, Edelstahl
- heart ache [1%] by htrueckl, 2010-09-22 11:01
- Holzplatte, Edelstahl
- need in the boat [1%] by htrueckl, 2010-09-22 11:01
- Holz, Edelstahl
- windward and leeward [1%] by htrueckl, 2010-09-22 11:00
- Edelstahl
- professorship [1%] by htrueckl, 2010-09-22 10:58
- Kork, Flaschen, Edelstahl
- Philharmonic gold [1%] by htrueckl, 2010-09-22 10:58
- Edelstahl, blattvergoldet
- Philharmonic red [1%] by htrueckl, 2010-09-22 10:58
- Edelstahl
- needle [1%] by htrueckl, 2010-09-22 10:57
- Edelstahl
- PALU111 [1%] by htrueckl, 2010-09-22 10:38
- PALU101 [1%] by htrueckl, 2010-09-22 10:37
- PALU091 [1%] by htrueckl, 2010-09-22 10:36
- PALU081 [1%] by htrueckl, 2010-09-22 10:36
- PALU071 [1%] by htrueckl, 2010-09-22 10:35
- PALU061 [1%] by htrueckl, 2010-09-22 10:35